Tuesday, March 25, 2014


George Quaye a PRO of chatter house an event organizing company was interviewed on joy fm about his views,when it comes to Ghana comedy and guess what he had to say,
''Ghana comedians are wack and has l live l will always beg my bosses not to put any of the Ghana comedians on our platform''
 George Quaye said this on joy fm but there was no reply from any of the Ghana comedians till last week saturday,when three of the Ghana comedians were interviewed on Allo Tigo by Jon Germain. The interview included David Oscar,DKB And Hogan.
It was an exciting interview full of laughter,till the Host Jon Germain played the tape of George Quaye been interviewed on joy fm and asked  DKB about the tape,he said
''For George Quaye he has a problem with David Oscar but not me so l think David Oscar will be the best person to answer this question not me''
David Oscar who was not happy about the comment George Quaye made on joy fm said he had nothing with the PRO of Chatter house but since he has made up his mind not to lick the boots of George Quaye for any opportunity on their platform,he will go on to say all sort of things about him.

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