Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Razz newspaper reports: The most sought after actor, Kojo Nkansah aka Lil’Wyn did not only bring excitement to the many patrons who thronged the Kumasi stadium to watch the football match between Ghanaian and Nigerian actors, he also brought some misery. The Kumawood actor is reported to have knocked down a 10 year old boy with his Toyota car with registration number GT-8224-12, after the match. Instead of getting out of his car to help the victim, Lil’Wyn sat in his car unconcerned till officials from the Red Cross Society attended to the boy.
As the atmosphere got tensed, Lil’Wyn still refused to follow up to where the boy was being taken to. When he was alerted of his actions, he was so angry and started alleging that the whole situation was deliberately orchestrated to make him look bad.

He yelled in fury, “I am not the one who knocked the boy down with my car! I see the whole thing to be a planned because I don’t know where the boy came from! By the time I realized, he was under my car.”
After some minutes, people around entreated him to stop arguing and see to the welfare of the boy. He then gave money to the Red Cross officials and they took the boy to the hospital. When he was questioned on why he’s not assisting the young boy to the hospital, he said that he doesn’t have much time on his side; and that he was going on set to shoot a movie.
When Razz newspaper followed up on the issue, we gathered the actor had not visited the boy at the hospital and the family of the kid was livid.
In a separate chat with Lil’Wyn on phone, he insisted that he did not hit the kid with any car and that he was not ready to discuss the issue.

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