Friday, January 31, 2014

KENYA:Lupita Nyongo On Interview Magazine

Lupita Nyongo is an actor who was born in mexico but lived in Kenya,in an interview magazine.
the bautiful actor said growing up as a child she has always wanted to act but she was scaed of admitting the fact knowing that actors in kenya where not sucessful.
Lupita Nyongo taught to her self that if she could go to school and have her degree for acting she could be proud to tell everyone that she wants to be an actor.she persued her dream and got her film degree and Africa studies at Hampshire College in Massachussetts during which time Nyongo directed a documentary,in my genes,about albinism in Kenya.
Lupita Nyongo came back to the same question she was scared to speak out,she asked her self the same question"what do l want to be".
Lupita said to her self  if she does not persue what she loves doing,she would regret.'l knew tht if l dont try acting that would be the onething l would regret,so l decided to apply to acting schools", Nyongo says"if l got in,l'd take it as a sign that l should persue acting as a career.if l didnt get in,l was prepared to figure out some plan b"she adds'lukly l got in"

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